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You must be at least 21 years old to use this website. Donors that register MatchingDonors can only be from, and be citizens of, the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom. Donors must also be currently living in either the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom. All others will be removed if they try to register.It is absolutely against the law to have any financial benefit from organ donation.

If you are paid, or request to be paid, for any transplant you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Violators of this criminal prohibition, can be subject to $50,000 fines and/or five years of imprisonment. Our terms allow us to give all of your personal, contact and tracking information to the FBI without your permission if you violate this prohibition.

There is a potential for complications for this type of surgery. Anyone interested in being an organ donor should contact their physician prior to matching.

As someone interested in being a Potential Donor, please put in your information as requested. If you complete any sections with false information your profile will be removed.

By using this website you agree to all of our terms - please review our terms by pressing on "Terms and Conditions" .


Signing up on MatchingDonors.com does not obligate you to become a Donor.
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MatchingDonors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization supported by memberships, advertisements and donations.

Copyright © 2003- 2025 - MatchingDonors.com
Site last updated on Friday, March 28, 2025